[wfs-dev] multiple typeNames in a GetFeature request using "GET"

Justin Deoliveira jdeolive at openplans.org
Fri Oct 13 14:49:18 EDT 2006

Hi all,

In wfs 1.0, specifying multiple typeNames ( comma seperated ) in
GetFeature request ( using the get method ) implies that you are
specifying multiple queries. One for each type name.

In wfs 1.1, specifying multiple typNames means you are doing a join. I
didn't find anything about specifying a join, but also multiple queries
as well.

So I guess my question is how to specify multiple queries,and also
perform a join at the same time. Is there an outer of some sort that is

Hopefully my question makes sense, if not please just say so and i will
be a bit more clear. Thanks.


Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project
jdeolive at openplans.org

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