[wfs-dev] summary of changes from wfs 1.0 to 1.1?

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Mon Oct 16 11:27:27 EDT 2006

I just pulled this together from some notes that I made for our 
implementation, so it's a bit rough, but should give a decent starting 
point.  We've got a basic WFS (caps, describe and getfeature) on a 
branch in GeoServer, and are close to done with transaction stuff. 
Justin may have some more to add, as he's been doing the implementation.

Soap Wrappers 	For all operations
Get Feature WFS 1.1	
	Results as hits
	* Xlink properties (get gml object stuff)
	GML 3.1.1
Describe WFS 1.1	
	GML 3.1.1 (no other changes afaik)
Transaction WFS 1.1	
	Reprojection in Insert
	IdGen options:

GenerateNew (default)
   The web feature service shall generate unique identifiers for all 
newly inserted feature instances.
    In response to an <Insert> operation, a web feature service shall 
use the gml:id attribute values on inserted features and elements. If 
any of those IDs duplicates the ID of a feature or element already 
stored in the WFS, the WFS shall raise an exception.
    A WFS client can request that the WFS generate IDs to replace the 
input values of gml:id attributes of feature elements that duplicate the 
ID of a feature or element already stored in the WFS, instead of raising 
an exception, by setting the idgen attribute of the InsertElementType to 
the value "ReplaceDuplicate".

LockFeature WFS 1.1	No changes, except GML 3.1.1
GetGMLObject WFS 1.1	
	New Operation (that doesn't make much sense imho, we're not 
implementing for WFS 1.1) tells the server to return remote xlinks.
GetCapabilities WFS 1.1	
	SRS reporting
	GetGMLObject caps mods
	Version negotiation (not new, but wasn't an issue before with just one 
version of spec)
Filter 1.1	
	 GML 3.1.1 parser


Ian Turton wrote:
> Does any one have a document that summarises the changes between the
> WFS 1.0 and 1.1 specifications? If not I guess I'll have to read
> through the specs and the change requests and work it out but
> obviously if someone else has already done this that would be great.
> Thanks
> Ian

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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