[wfs-dev] exception mime types in WFS?

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Wed Oct 18 16:36:03 EDT 2006

Hey all, just read this blog post from Sean Gillies:


Which got me wondering why we don't have at least the option in WFS to 
return different exception types?  The application/vnd.ogc.se_xml is 
certainly annoying when you're using a browser which inevitably won't 
understand the mime type.

But Sean's case is that as a programmer it's actually useful to get a 
different mime type on return.  So I'm wondering is/was there a good 
reason to not at least give people the option to set the exception type 
as application/vnd.ogc.se_xml?  I'd still like text/xml as the default, 
but could be nice to include the other option.


Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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